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『2012』 !!Nina!!【Pelicula Completa】 `En` [Español] ►Latino► `HD`


Movies Detail of Nina (2012)

✓ Title : Nina
✓ Release Date : October 23rd, 2012
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 80 minutes
✓ Director : Elisa Fuksas
✓ Writers : Valia Santella, Elisa Fuksas
✓ Country : Italy
✓ Cast : Diane Fleri, Luca Marinelli, Claudia Della Seta, Andrea Bosca, Luigi Catani, Ernesto Mahieux, Marina Rocco

Synopsis of Nina (2012)

The contemporary architecture of Rome are at the heart of the beautifully shot and winsomely appealing Nina, which charts the oddball escapades of a young woman in a depopulated Rome during one hot summer. This heartwarming tale of a lonesome girl who teaches singing and dog-sits during her holidays on the outskirts of Rome. Its striking cinematography evokes Nina's indefinable anxiety. By opening herself up to life she conquers a vision of her future full of imagination and beauty.

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Well, Nina (2012) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Nina (2012) itselft directed by Elisa Fuksas and Starring by Diane Fleri, Luca Marinelli, Claudia Della Seta, Andrea Bosca, Luigi Catani, Ernesto Mahieux, Marina Rocco which made Nina (2012) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Nina (2012)

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23 Oct 2012 #Italy