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Voir Booked Out 2012 Film Télécharger

Movies Detail of Booked Out (2012)

✓ Title : Booked Out
✓ Release Date : March 12th, 2012
✓ Runtime : 83 minutes
✓ Director : Bryan O'Neil
✓ Cast : Mirren Burke, Rollo Weeks, Sylvia Syms, Claire Garvey

Synopsis of Booked Out (2012)

Ailidh (Mirren Burke) has two loves in this world: spying on her neighbours and writing graphic novels. The arrival of Jacob (Rollo Weeks - Girl with a Pearl Earring), inspires Ailidh and she soon begins conjuring up increasingly elaborate plans to bump into him. Upstairs, Mrs Nicholls (Sylvia Syms - The Queen) provides Ailidh with a perfect opportunity and she soon has Jacob teaching Mrs Nicholls dead husband French. Unfortunately, Ailidh's romantic endeavours are disrupted when she realises she isn't the only girl in Jacob's life. Featuring compelling performances from an exceptional cast of actors, the debut feature from Bryan O'Neil is a funny, unique and heart-warming story of love, life and moving on.

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Well, Booked Out (2012) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Booked Out (2012) itselft directed by Bryan O'Neil and Starring by Mirren Burke, Rollo Weeks, Sylvia Syms, Claire Garvey which made Booked Out (2012) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Booked Out (2012)

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12 Mar 2012 #