Movies Detail of Goodbye Bafana (2007)
✓ Title : Goodbye Bafana
✓ Release Date : February 11th, 2007
✓ Genres : History, Drama
✓ Runtime : 115 minutes
✓ Director : Bille August
✓ Writers : Bob Graham, James Gregory, Greg Latter
✓ Company : Film Afrika Worldwide
✓ Countries : Belgium, South Africa
✓ Cast : Joseph Fiennes, Patrick Lyster, Dennis Haysbert, Shiloh Henderson, Diane Kruger
Synopsis of Goodbye Bafana (2007)
The true story of a white South African racist whose life was profoundly altered by the black prisoner he guarded for twenty years. The prisoner's name was Nelson Mandela.
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Well, Goodbye Bafana (2007) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Goodbye Bafana (2007) itselft directed by Bille August and Starring by Joseph Fiennes, Patrick Lyster, Dennis Haysbert, Shiloh Henderson, Diane Kruger which made Goodbye Bafana (2007) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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