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Ver Waldstille 《2016》 Online Película Completa en Español Latino Gratis


Movies Detail of Waldstille (2016)

✓ Title : Waldstille
✓ Release Date : September 16th, 2016
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Director : Martijn Maria Smits
✓ Writer : Martijn Maria Smits
✓ Cast : Jelka van Houten, Oscar Van Rompay, Johan Leysen, Maartje van de Wetering, Marie Louise Stheins, Clara Bovenberg, Thomas Ryckewaert

Synopsis of Waldstille (2016)

In this drama, Ben is faced with the anger and grief of his entire village when, inebriated, he causes a road accident in which his girlfriend Tinka dies. Ben is sent to prison and his resentful in-laws get custody of his little daughter Cindy. When Ben after two years returns to the southern village of Waldstille, he intends to restore contact with Cindy as soon as possible - despite opposition from his parents-in-law.

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Well, Waldstille (2016) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Waldstille (2016) itselft directed by Martijn Maria Smits and Starring by Jelka van Houten, Oscar Van Rompay, Johan Leysen, Maartje van de Wetering, Marie Louise Stheins, Clara Bovenberg, Thomas Ryckewaert which made Waldstille (2016) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Waldstille (2016)

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16 Sep 2016 #