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Siv Sleeps Astray - Pelicula COMPLETA en Español HD-2016


Movies Detail of Siv Sleeps Astray (2016)

✓ Title : Siv Sleeps Astray
✓ Original Title : Siv sover vilse
✓ Release Date : April 11th, 2016
✓ Genres : Adventure, Family
✓ Runtime : 79 minutes
✓ Directors : Catti Edfeldt, Lena Hanno
✓ Writers : Lena Hanno, Tobias Hoffmén, Pija Lindenbaum
✓ Companies : Viking Film, Snowcloud Films, SVT
✓ Countries : Netherlands, Sweden
✓ Cast : Henrik Gustafsson, Lilly Brown, Sofia Ledarp, Annemarie Prins, Astrid Lövgren, Bianca Kronlöf, Valter Skarsgård, Nour El Refai, Barry Atsma

Synopsis of Siv Sleeps Astray (2016)

Seven-year-old Siv’s first night sleeping over at her new friend Cerisia’s place turns out to be a magical one. In the early evening, many things are already beginning to seem odd, the exotic food, all of the animals ... At night though, the unfamiliar flat really starts to become a realm full of secrets.

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Well, Siv Sleeps Astray (2016) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Siv Sleeps Astray (2016) itselft directed by Catti Edfeldt, Lena Hanno and Starring by Henrik Gustafsson, Lilly Brown, Sofia Ledarp, Annemarie Prins, Astrid Lövgren, Bianca Kronlöf, Valter Skarsgård, Nour El Refai, Barry Atsma which made Siv Sleeps Astray (2016) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Siv Sleeps Astray (2016)

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