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Movies Detail of The Feature (2008)

✓ Title : The Feature
✓ Release Date : November 28th, 2008
✓ Runtime : 174 minutes
✓ Directors : Andrew Neel, Michel Auder
✓ Writers : Luke Meyer, Andrew Neel, Michel Auder
✓ Company : SeeThink Films
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Michel Auder, Larry Rivers, Cindy Sherman, Brigid Berlin, Alice Neel, Andy Warhol, Viva, Louis Waldon

Synopsis of The Feature (2008)

The Feature does not reconcile fact and fiction; instead, it blurs the definitions seemingly represented by the film’s two clearly demarcated registers: that of the archival footage and that of the new, theatrical material. In his guise as “Michel Auder,” living a fulsome and extravagant life, replete with beautiful women and a rock-cut pool overlooking Los Angeles, the art world is revealed as a sham, and his character exhibits a repulsive narcissism. And yet, when caught in quiet moments, something poignant emerges—a glimmer of truth that rebels against the entire endeavour. Or maybe, that’s what makes The Feature.

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Well, The Feature (2008) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Feature (2008) itselft directed by Andrew Neel, Michel Auder and Starring by Michel Auder, Larry Rivers, Cindy Sherman, Brigid Berlin, Alice Neel, Andy Warhol, Viva, Louis Waldon which made The Feature (2008) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Feature (2008)

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28 Nov 2008 #United States of America