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Repelis Star Sand Pelicula Completa Subtitulada 2017


Movies Detail of Star Sand (2017)

✓ Title : Star Sand
✓ Original Title : STAR SAND — 星砂物語 —
✓ Release Date : August 4th, 2017
✓ Genres : Drama, War
✓ Runtime : 110 minutes
✓ Director : Roger Pulvers
✓ Writers : Roger Pulvers, Roger Pulvers
✓ Country : Japan
✓ Cast : Takahiro Miura, Shinobu Terajima, Renji Ishibashi, Shinnosuke Mitsushima, Riho Yoshioka, Brandon McClelland, Mako Midori, Lisa Oda, Makiko Watanabe

Synopsis of Star Sand (2017)

In the closing days of World War II, Japanese-American Hiromi, a girl age 16, encounters an American deserter, Bob, and a Japanese soldier, Iwabuchi, living together in a cave on a small island in Okinawa. The two men are deserters from their armies; yet both vow never to harm another human being again. Hiromi looks after the deserters until another soldier appears and the peace of the cave is shattered. It leads to the death of three of them and a fascinating mystery that isn't solved until the present day.

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Well, Star Sand (2017) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Star Sand (2017) itselft directed by Roger Pulvers and Starring by Takahiro Miura, Shinobu Terajima, Renji Ishibashi, Shinnosuke Mitsushima, Riho Yoshioka, Brandon McClelland, Mako Midori, Lisa Oda, Makiko Watanabe which made Star Sand (2017) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Star Sand (2017)

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4 Aug 2017 #Japan