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Repelis [4K] Marussia (2013) Film Pelicula Completa En Subsitulado [4K[1080p]


Movies Detail of Marussia (2013)

✓ Title : Marussia
✓ Release Date : February 1st, 2013
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 82 minutes
✓ Director : Eva Pervolovici
✓ Writers : Eva Pervolovici, Monica Stan
✓ Companies : CTB Film Company, KinoElektron
✓ Countries : France, Russia
✓ Cast : Dounia Sichov, George Babluani, Denis Lavant, Alexei Ageev, Šarūnas Bartas, Marie-Isabelle Shteynman, Madalina Constantin, Dinara Drukarova

Synopsis of Marussia (2013)

In cities like Paris there are countless people from Eastern Europe who have forsaken their homelands because they can see no future there. Lucia and her little daughter Marussia are two such people. They have been thrown out by the Russian acquaintances they were staying with and must tramp the streets with their trolley suitcases searching for somewhere else to live. A Russian Orthodox priest offers them their first night's shelter. They spend the second night in a homeless hostel and party through the third with a chance acquaintance. On the fourth night they sleep clandestinely in a cinema and on the fifth with a Russian artist in a hotel … Lucia is good-looking, dresses elegantly and is certainly not shy of men. This serves the mother and her daughter well. In spite of all the uncertainties in their lives, the two frequently share tender moments.

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Well, Marussia (2013) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Marussia (2013) itselft directed by Eva Pervolovici and Starring by Dounia Sichov, George Babluani, Denis Lavant, Alexei Ageev, Šarūnas Bartas, Marie-Isabelle Shteynman, Madalina Constantin, Dinara Drukarova which made Marussia (2013) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Marussia (2013)

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