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The Gay Bed and Breakfast of Terror 2007 Film Film complet


Movies Detail of The Gay Bed and Breakfast of Terror (2007)

✓ Title : The Gay Bed and Breakfast of Terror
✓ Release Date : July 13th, 2007
✓ Genres : Horror, Comedy
✓ Runtime : 110 minutes
✓ Director : Jaymes Thompson
✓ Cast : Marie Marks, Robert Borzych, Michael Soldier, Georgia Jean

Synopsis of The Gay Bed and Breakfast of Terror (2007)

Helen and Luella are just another typical God-fearing mother and daughter who happen to bake Mincemeat muffins and run a charming if not a bit faded Bed and Breakfast Inn. Or are they? On the eve of the biggest gay party weekend of the year, and having not made advance reservations, five 'couples' find themselves having to make accommodations far from the city. There's Dom and Alex, the 'performers' and Deborah and Gabby, the sophisticated, entrepreneurial 'lipsticks'. There's also Mike and Eric, the upscale 'yuppie' power couple and their annoying 'fag-hag' friend, Lizette. Also checking in are Starr and Brenda, the struggling folk singer and tough-talking tomboy and lastly Rodney and Todd, the sugar daddy and 'personal trainer'. What should have been the biggest gay party weekend of the year quickly turns into every gay and lesbian's worst nightmare!

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Well, The Gay Bed and Breakfast of Terror (2007) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Gay Bed and Breakfast of Terror (2007) itselft directed by Jaymes Thompson and Starring by Marie Marks, Robert Borzych, Michael Soldier, Georgia Jean which made The Gay Bed and Breakfast of Terror (2007) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Gay Bed and Breakfast of Terror (2007)

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13 Jul 2007 #