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Movies Detail of Voice Over (2014)

✓ Title : Voice Over
✓ Original Title : La voz en Off
✓ Release Date : September 6th, 2014
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 96 minutes
✓ Directors : Cristián Jiménez, Antonia Olivares, Constanza B. Majluf, Jorge Tripodi, María José Concha
✓ Writers : Cristián Jiménez, Miguel Machalski, Daniel Castro
✓ Company : Jirafa
✓ Countries : Chile, France
✓ Cast : Cristián Campos, Shenda Román, Maite Neira, Paulina García, María José Siebald, Patricia Rivadeneira, Cristóbal Palma, Niels Schneider, Lucas Miranda, Ingrid Isensee

Synopsis of Voice Over (2014)

A married woman — seeking to purify herself through a "disconnection vow" — leaves her husband and returns to her parents’ home, but finds a situation far from the peace and quiet she had imagined.

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Well, Voice Over (2014) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Voice Over (2014) itselft directed by Cristián Jiménez, Antonia Olivares, Constanza B. Majluf, Jorge Tripodi, María José Concha and Starring by Cristián Campos, Shenda Román, Maite Neira, Paulina García, María José Siebald, Patricia Rivadeneira, Cristóbal Palma, Niels Schneider, Lucas Miranda, Ingrid Isensee which made Voice Over (2014) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Voice Over (2014)

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