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Full! Watch I Am Here (2014) Online Full Movie Free


Movies Detail of I Am Here (2014)

✓ Title : I Am Here
✓ Release Date : September 30th, 2014
✓ Genres : Drama, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 97 minutes
✓ Director : Anders Morgenthaler
✓ Writer : Anders Morgenthaler
✓ Companies : Zentropa Entertainments, One Two Films, Zentropa International Berlin
✓ Countries : Denmark, Germany
✓ Cast : Anouk Wagener, Peter Stormare, Kim Basinger, Sebastian Schipper, Robert Hunger-Bühler, Norman Hacker, Theresa Bischof, Nina Fog, Jordan Prentice, Anka Graczyk

Synopsis of I Am Here (2014)

Successful businesswoman Maria has achieved everything except what she wants the most - a baby of her own. She decides to deal with the matter by herself and embarks on a desperate and dangerous journey in order to make her dream come true.

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Well, I Am Here (2014) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The I Am Here (2014) itselft directed by Anders Morgenthaler and Starring by Anouk Wagener, Peter Stormare, Kim Basinger, Sebastian Schipper, Robert Hunger-Bühler, Norman Hacker, Theresa Bischof, Nina Fog, Jordan Prentice, Anka Graczyk which made I Am Here (2014) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

I Am Here (2014)

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30 Sep 2014 #Germany