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【Bayala - A Magical Adventure】 pelicula completa HD en linea HD 2019


Movies Detail of Bayala - A Magical Adventure (2019)

✓ Title : Bayala - A Magical Adventure
✓ Original Title : Bayala and the Last Dragon
✓ Release Date : October 24th, 2019
✓ Genres : Adventure, Animation, Family, Fantasy
✓ Runtime : 85 minutes
✓ Directors : Aina Järvine, Federico Milella
✓ Writers : Pamela Hickey, Dennys McCoy, Dennys McCoy, Vanessa Walder
✓ Companies : Ulysses Filmproduktion, Fabrique d'images
✓ Countries : Germany, Luxembourg
✓ Cast : Gregory Max, Jessica Webb, Liza Ortiz, Olivia Manning, Rebecca Becker, Kathryn Cahill, Louise White, Madison Mullahey, Marc Thompson, Franciska Friede

Synopsis of Bayala - A Magical Adventure (2019)

As the dragons have almost disappeared from the kingdom of Bayala, the magic powers of the fairies are weakening. The fairy princesses Sera and Surah are thrilled when they discover they have the key to save the world in their hands: a dragon egg! Now the sisters must reach the dragon mountains and they embark on an adventurous journey into the unknown...

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Well, Bayala - A Magical Adventure (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Bayala - A Magical Adventure (2019) itselft directed by Aina Järvine, Federico Milella and Starring by Gregory Max, Jessica Webb, Liza Ortiz, Olivia Manning, Rebecca Becker, Kathryn Cahill, Louise White, Madison Mullahey, Marc Thompson, Franciska Friede which made Bayala - A Magical Adventure (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Bayala - A Magical Adventure (2019)

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