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Mister Blot's Academy 1984 Film complet Streaming for Gratuit


Movies Detail of Mister Blot's Academy (1984)

✓ Title : Mister Blot's Academy
✓ Original Title : Akademia Pana Kleksa
✓ Release Date : January 30th, 1984
✓ Genres : Fantasy, Family
✓ Runtime : 166 minutes
✓ Director : Krzysztof Gradowski
✓ Writers : Jan Brzechwa, Krzysztof Gradowski
✓ Companies : Kinostudiya imeni M. Gorkogo, Sovinfilm, Zespół Filmowy "Zodiak"
✓ Countries : Poland, Soviet Union
✓ Cast : Adam Probosz, Piotr Fronczewski, Bronisław Pawlik, Wiesław Michnikowski, Zbigniew Buczkowski, Lech Ordon, Slavek Wronka, Lembit Ulfsak, Leon Niemczyk, Irena Karel

Synopsis of Mister Blot's Academy (1984)

Thanks to the powers of magic, Adaś Niezgódka is transported to the fairy tale land of Mr. Blot – the protagonist of Jan Brzechwa’s classic book. Mr. Blot is a teacher and a magician in one. His lessons cannot be boring. Especially when bIotology is the subject. Adaś learns about the miracles of the enchanted land, but also gets to know its dark secrets.

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Well, Mister Blot's Academy (1984) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Mister Blot's Academy (1984) itselft directed by Krzysztof Gradowski and Starring by Adam Probosz, Piotr Fronczewski, Bronisław Pawlik, Wiesław Michnikowski, Zbigniew Buczkowski, Lech Ordon, Slavek Wronka, Lembit Ulfsak, Leon Niemczyk, Irena Karel which made Mister Blot's Academy (1984) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Mister Blot's Academy (1984)

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30 Jan 1984 #Soviet Union