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[[23 segundos]] Online Pelicula Completa en Latino Castellano


Movies Detail of 23 segundos (2014)

✓ Title : 23 segundos
✓ Release Date : May 15th, 2014
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 112 minutes
✓ Director : Dimitry Rudakov
✓ Writers : Hugo Piccinini, Dimitry Rudakov
✓ Company : Clever Producciones
✓ Country : Uruguay
✓ Cast : Estela Mieres, Arturo Fleitas, Hugo Piccinini, Alejandro Martinez, Agustin Bequio, Yonattan Montesdeoca, Susana Groisman, Guillermo Villarrubí, Stefanie Neukirch, Lucia Senra

Synopsis of 23 segundos (2014)

He is a poor glass cleaner. She lives in Carrasco. One day at the crossroads something happens that can change their lives forever.

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Well, 23 segundos (2014) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The 23 segundos (2014) itselft directed by Dimitry Rudakov and Starring by Estela Mieres, Arturo Fleitas, Hugo Piccinini, Alejandro Martinez, Agustin Bequio, Yonattan Montesdeoca, Susana Groisman, Guillermo Villarrubí, Stefanie Neukirch, Lucia Senra which made 23 segundos (2014) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

23 segundos (2014)

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15 May 2014 #Uruguay