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Movies Detail of You Have The Guts (2016)

✓ Title : You Have The Guts
✓ Original Title : Suficiente coraje (la vuelta)
✓ Release Date : January 15th, 2016
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 71 minutes
✓ Director : John E. Robertson
✓ Writers : Jonathan Pellicer, Rodrigo Muñoz Cazaux, John E. Robertson
✓ Companies : Escuela de Cine de Chile, Fundación Villa del Cine, 1518 Films
✓ Countries : Chile, Venezuela
✓ Cast : Patricia Pacheco, Alex Zisis, Natalia Dufuur, Nicolás Torres, Julio Jung, Antonio Zisis, Alexander Solórzano, Teresita Reyes

Synopsis of You Have The Guts (2016)

A man who grew up in exile in Venezuela returns to his native Chile to avenge the death of his father.Meanwhile a woman fled to Venezuela in the hope of finding a better life in Chile. She is a cleaner at a hospital by day and a dancer at a Santiago nightclub by night, paying for a place to live with sex.

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Well, You Have The Guts (2016) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The You Have The Guts (2016) itselft directed by John E. Robertson and Starring by Patricia Pacheco, Alex Zisis, Natalia Dufuur, Nicolás Torres, Julio Jung, Antonio Zisis, Alexander Solórzano, Teresita Reyes which made You Have The Guts (2016) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

You Have The Guts (2016)

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