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[Télécharger* Bullets for Jesus Streaming VF 2015 Regarder Film Streaming VF Complet HD En Vostfr

Movies Detail of Bullets for Jesus (2015)

✓ Title : Bullets for Jesus
✓ Release Date : July 7th, 2015
✓ Director : John Reign
✓ Cast : Tabetha Ray, John Reign, Thomas Daniel

Synopsis of Bullets for Jesus (2015)

A tense nonstop roller-coaster ride through the distorted mind of Sly Stone, a sadistic and brutal killer who distorts the scriptures to suit his own self serving madness. He's teamed up with a run-away drifter Annie Parker who bows to his every command... both for love and for fear of her own life. " I have the Bullets For Jesus " is Slys motto, and NO ONE is safe from his twisted pulpit.

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Well, Bullets for Jesus (2015) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Bullets for Jesus (2015) itselft directed by John Reign and Starring by Tabetha Ray, John Reign, Thomas Daniel which made Bullets for Jesus (2015) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Bullets for Jesus (2015)

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7 Jul 2015 #