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Mira.HD-)) A Taste of Phobia ~ (2018) película completa en español


Movies Detail of A Taste of Phobia (2018)

✓ Title : A Taste of Phobia
✓ Release Date : May 6th, 2018
✓ Genre : Horror
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Directors : Domiziano Cristopharo, Jason Impey, Dustin Ferguson, Jason Figgis, Sophia Cacciola, Michael J. Epstein, Alessandro Giordani, Sam Mason Bell, Tony Newton, Chris Milewski, Rob Ulitski, Sunny King, Elisa Rizzitiello, Lorenzo Zanoni
✓ Writers : Andrea Cavaletto, Sophia Cacciola, Michael J. Epstein, Alessandro Giordani
✓ Companies : Enchanted Architect, Vestra Pictures
✓ Country : United Kingdom
✓ Cast : Kehinde Bankole, Clint Beaver, Mark Thompson-Ashworth, Lianne O'Shea, Tyler Sage, Michael J. Epstein, Roberta Gemma, Edwin Garcia, Elisa Carrera Fumagalli, Alessandro G.A. D'Alessandro

Synopsis of A Taste of Phobia (2018)

15 international directors, 15 trips to hell. The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear...

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Well, A Taste of Phobia (2018) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The A Taste of Phobia (2018) itselft directed by Domiziano Cristopharo, Jason Impey, Dustin Ferguson, Jason Figgis, Sophia Cacciola, Michael J. Epstein, Alessandro Giordani, Sam Mason Bell, Tony Newton, Chris Milewski, Rob Ulitski, Sunny King, Elisa Rizzitiello, Lorenzo Zanoni and Starring by Kehinde Bankole, Clint Beaver, Mark Thompson-Ashworth, Lianne O'Shea, Tyler Sage, Michael J. Epstein, Roberta Gemma, Edwin Garcia, Elisa Carrera Fumagalli, Alessandro G.A. D'Alessandro which made A Taste of Phobia (2018) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

A Taste of Phobia (2018)

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6 May 2018 #United Kingdom