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Streaming Histoire du caporal 1984 Film complet vidzi


Movies Detail of Histoire du caporal (1984)

✓ Title : Histoire du caporal
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1984
✓ Genres : War, Drama, History
✓ Director : Jean Baronnet
✓ Companies : France 3, Ministère de la culture
✓ Cast : Philippe Nahoun, Maurice Tuech, Catherine Reynet, Christian Defleur

Synopsis of Histoire du caporal (1984)

A quiet French peasant has spent three years as a corporal on the front lines in World War I, and one day he cannot take it anymore and goes AWOL, escaping into the Alps in the southeast of France. He first takes leave of his wife before heading into the mountains and manages to survive in the breathtaking, vast landscape while using all the knowledge and wiles under his command. Even though the area around him is fairly isolated, another deserter arrives on the scene -- but he cannot take the solitude and leaves. As the peasant diligently works at his own survival, the police from the region know he is hiding out somewhere within their jurisdiction, and so his future is anything but secure. This subdued, pacifist film strives for distance rather than emotional involvement, so as to present a pacifist cause as reasonably as possible, but as a consequence, the routine of the deserter's existence verges on a grinding boredom.

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Well, Histoire du caporal (1984) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Histoire du caporal (1984) itselft directed by Jean Baronnet and Starring by Philippe Nahoun, Maurice Tuech, Catherine Reynet, Christian Defleur which made Histoire du caporal (1984) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Histoire du caporal (1984)

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1 Jan 1984 #