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#Ver™!!’Dark Tides’[1998] Pelicula Completa en Espanol Latino (1998)


Movies Detail of Dark Tides (1998)

✓ Title : Dark Tides
✓ Release Date : March 1st, 1998
✓ Genres : Mystery, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 95 minutes
✓ Directors : Bret Stern, Joshua Glyn, Lon Ross
✓ Company : Plus Films
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Katherine Kendall, John Newton, Paige Turco, John Mese, Beth Dixon

Synopsis of Dark Tides (1998)

While pulling lobster traps from the sea, fishing couple Sara and Ben recover a buoy containing half a million dollars. Ben hopes to use the money on booze and babes while Sara sees the cash as her ticket out of her unhappy marriage and miserable coastal village. Her masterplan: to kill Ben with the help of her lover and Ben's brother, Don. But her plan suffers a major glitch when the owner of the buoy returns to claim the loot. And he is not the only one after it, there's also a gang of heavily-armed mobsters and Kim the mob boss' mistress.

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Well, Dark Tides (1998) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Dark Tides (1998) itselft directed by Bret Stern, Joshua Glyn, Lon Ross and Starring by Katherine Kendall, John Newton, Paige Turco, John Mese, Beth Dixon which made Dark Tides (1998) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Dark Tides (1998)

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1 Mar 1998 #United States of America