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Streaming The Court of Shards 2013 Film complet 720p


Movies Detail of The Court of Shards (2013)

✓ Title : The Court of Shards
✓ Original Title : Scherbengericht
✓ Release Date : January 18th, 2013
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 75 minutes
✓ Director : Jan Eilhardt
✓ Writer : Jan Eilhardt
✓ Country : Germany
✓ Cast : Silvia Giehle, Anna Böttcher, Caroline Fricke, Baba Oury Barry, Christopher Nell, Anette Felber, Natalya Bondar, Thomas Niehaus, Alexander Scheer, Nele Winkler

Synopsis of The Court of Shards (2013)

The two friends Nora and Isabel, both disabled, try to lead normal lives. Strangely enough, it is their family, well-meaning friends and care workers who appear not to want normality at all. When Nora decides to marry her immigrant lover Amadou, her family does everything in its power to stop her.

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Well, The Court of Shards (2013) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Court of Shards (2013) itselft directed by Jan Eilhardt and Starring by Silvia Giehle, Anna Böttcher, Caroline Fricke, Baba Oury Barry, Christopher Nell, Anette Felber, Natalya Bondar, Thomas Niehaus, Alexander Scheer, Nele Winkler which made The Court of Shards (2013) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Court of Shards (2013)

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18 Jan 2013 #Germany