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Télécharger Guiana 1838 2004 HDRip x264 XviD


Movies Detail of Guiana 1838 (2004)

✓ Title : Guiana 1838
✓ Release Date : September 24th, 2004
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 120 minutes
✓ Director : Rohit Jagessar
✓ Writer : Rohit Jagessar
✓ Countries : United States of America, Guyana
✓ Cast : Kiran Pande, Shalini Singh, Henry Rodney, Bobby Routh, Kumar Gaurav, Rufus Graham, Asim Mujahid, Thomas Garvey, Aasheekaa Bathija, Amit Patel

Synopsis of Guiana 1838 (2004)

The abolition of slavery in the British Caribbean in 1834 prompts Gillanders, Arbuthnot & Company in Calcutta, a part of the East India Company, to recruit Coolies from India to fill the resulting labor void. The company hires Sinha, a fierce small-timer to sell dreams of El Dorado to the unsuspecting, impoverished Coolies who are signed to five-year contracts as indentured servants. Upon the Coolies' arrival in British Guiana in 1838, the British planters promptly enslave them to ensure that the growth of sugar in the British West Indies will continue uninterrupted. John Scoble of the British and Foreign Anti Slavery Society arrives on the colony a year later to discover a new form of slavery; this time on the backs of Indians.

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Well, Guiana 1838 (2004) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Guiana 1838 (2004) itselft directed by Rohit Jagessar and Starring by Kiran Pande, Shalini Singh, Henry Rodney, Bobby Routh, Kumar Gaurav, Rufus Graham, Asim Mujahid, Thomas Garvey, Aasheekaa Bathija, Amit Patel which made Guiana 1838 (2004) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Guiana 1838 (2004)

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24 Sep 2004 #Guyana