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Movies Detail of In Family I Trust (2019)

✓ Title : In Family I Trust
✓ Original Title : Gente que viene y bah
✓ Release Date : January 18th, 2019
✓ Genres : Comedy, Romance
✓ Runtime : 94 minutes
✓ Director : Patricia Font
✓ Writers : Carlos Montero, Darío Madrona, Laura Norton
✓ Companies : Zeta Cinema, Mogambo Films, Instituto de Crédito Oficial (ICO), Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament de Cultura
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : Eduardo Ferrés, Álex García, Paula Malia, Ferran Vilajosana, Carlos Cuevas, Clara Lago, Fernando Guallar, Carmen Maura, Alexandra Jiménez, Núria Gago

Synopsis of In Family I Trust (2019)

Bea is a successful architect who lives in Barcelona (Catalonia, northeast to Spain) with her boyfriend and boss, Víctor, a CEO of an important company. During a night celebration of an important contract signed to make a skyscraper designed by Bea, in the bar appears the famous TV reporter and anchorwoman Rebecca Ramos, Victor's personal erotic fantasy. Not measuring the consequences of her actions due to the alcohol she drank, Bea makes a meeting between Víctor and Rebecca. When to the next day she wakes up, Víctor proposes to wed Bea and she accepts, but after she arrives to the job, Bea learns about a videotape where Víctor and Rebecca make the love in a car that it's in all TV channels. In front of all CEOs during a full meeting, Bea slaps Víctor and destroys her design, being fired from the job. Looking for a break, she travels her natal coastal town, Santa Clara, just to discover that her rest isn't so easy as it seems: her eccentric, free-spirited and eternal smiling mother ...

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Well, In Family I Trust (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The In Family I Trust (2019) itselft directed by Patricia Font and Starring by Eduardo Ferrés, Álex García, Paula Malia, Ferran Vilajosana, Carlos Cuevas, Clara Lago, Fernando Guallar, Carmen Maura, Alexandra Jiménez, Núria Gago which made In Family I Trust (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

In Family I Trust (2019)

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18 Jan 2019 #Spain