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Streaming The Jonsson Gang 2020 Film Télécharger


Movies Detail of The Jonsson Gang (2020)

✓ Title : The Jonsson Gang
✓ Original Title : Se upp för Jönssonligan
✓ Release Date : December 25th, 2020
✓ Genres : Comedy, Crime
✓ Runtime : 122 minutes
✓ Director : Tomas Alfredson
✓ Writers : Tomas Alfredson, Henrik Dorsin, Rikard Ulvshammar
✓ Companies : FLX, Another Park Film, SF Studio, TV4
✓ Country : Sweden
✓ Cast : Henrik Dorsin, Victor Schefé, Reine Brynolfsson, Anders Johansson, Hedda Stiernstedt, Anders Back, Lena Olin, MyAnna Buring, David Sundin, Andreas Gauffin

Synopsis of The Jonsson Gang (2020)

Following a failed heist, Charles-Ingvar ‘Sickan’ Jonsson ends up in prison. Once released, his gang have become law-abiding citizens and Sickan has to continue on his own. Crime broker Anita tasks him with a simple burglary, but it turns out to be something a lot bigger than Sickan thought it was. Now he needs the help of his past accomplices to carry out the most difficult heist in the history of the gang.

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Well, The Jonsson Gang (2020) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Jonsson Gang (2020) itselft directed by Tomas Alfredson and Starring by Henrik Dorsin, Victor Schefé, Reine Brynolfsson, Anders Johansson, Hedda Stiernstedt, Anders Back, Lena Olin, MyAnna Buring, David Sundin, Andreas Gauffin which made The Jonsson Gang (2020) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Jonsson Gang (2020)

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25 Dec 2020 #Sweden