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Love You to the Stars and Back 2017 Film complet filmtoon


Movies Detail of Love You to the Stars and Back (2017)

✓ Title : Love You to the Stars and Back
✓ Release Date : August 30th, 2017
✓ Genres : Adventure, Drama, Romance, Comedy
✓ Runtime : 111 minutes
✓ Director : Antoinette Jadaone
✓ Writer : Antoinette Jadaone
✓ Company : Star Cinema – ABS-CBN Film Productions
✓ Country : Philippines
✓ Cast : Ruby Ruiz, Joshua Garcia, Jelson Bay, Cherry Pie Picache, Julia Barretto, Maricar Reyes, Odette Khan, Edgar Allan Guzman, Ariel Rivera, Eda Nolan

Synopsis of Love You to the Stars and Back (2017)

A girl named Mika decides to go on a road trip to look for aliens. During her trip, she accidentally bumps into Caloy whom she gives a free ride to until he reaches his destination. Mika then finds out that Caloy has cancer but despite it, he has learned to accept his fate. Both embark on a journey filled with adventures and misadventures not knowing they would fall in love with each other along the way.

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Well, Love You to the Stars and Back (2017) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Love You to the Stars and Back (2017) itselft directed by Antoinette Jadaone and Starring by Ruby Ruiz, Joshua Garcia, Jelson Bay, Cherry Pie Picache, Julia Barretto, Maricar Reyes, Odette Khan, Edgar Allan Guzman, Ariel Rivera, Eda Nolan which made Love You to the Stars and Back (2017) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Love You to the Stars and Back (2017)

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