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La playa de los galgos 2002 FULL Film complet Regarder En ligne

Movies Detail of La playa de los galgos (2002)

✓ Title : La playa de los galgos
✓ Release Date : April 5th, 2002
✓ Runtime : 135 minutes
✓ Director : Mario Camus
✓ Cast : Gustavo Salmerón, Carmelo Gómez, Miguel Angel Sola, Ingrid Rubio, Claudia Gerini

Synopsis of La playa de los galgos (2002)

Martin has been trying to find his disappeared brother Pablo. Pablo has been out of touch for years, after a terrorist incident in which Martin and the family suspect Pablo's participation. He meets the mysterious Berta in a couple of strange coincidences. She leads Martin to an Argentine psychiatrist exiled in Denmark, who may have information about Pablo's whereabouts. But both Martin and the psychiatrist fall in love with Berta, who has her own agenda. In finding Pablo, all concerned will confront their violent pasts, while transforming their present, and forging their future lives.

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Well, La playa de los galgos (2002) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The La playa de los galgos (2002) itselft directed by Mario Camus and Starring by Gustavo Salmerón, Carmelo Gómez, Miguel Angel Sola, Ingrid Rubio, Claudia Gerini which made La playa de los galgos (2002) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

La playa de los galgos (2002)

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5 Apr 2002 #