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Gratis 2020!}> The Stonebreaker Pelicula Completa En Repelis-4k Online Espanol


Movies Detail of The Stonebreaker (2020)

✓ Title : The Stonebreaker
✓ Original Title : Spaccapietre
✓ Release Date : September 17th, 2020
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 104 minutes
✓ Directors : Gianluca De Serio, Massimiliano De Serio
✓ Writers : Gianluca De Serio, Massimiliano De Serio
✓ Companies : La Sarraz Pictures, Rai Cinema, Shellac Films, Europa Creativa, Centre National de la Cinématograhie, Ministero dei Beni e delle Attivita Culturali e del Turismo, Fondazione Apulia Film Commission, Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Le Tax Shelter du Gouvernement Fédéral de Belgique
✓ Countries : Belgium, France, Italy
✓ Cast : Salvatore Esposito, Giuseppe Loconsole, Samuele Carrino, Antonella Carone, Vito Signorile, Licia Lanera

Synopsis of The Stonebreaker (2020)

After a serious accident Giuseppe is out of work. His son Antò dreams of being an archaeologist and thinks his father's glass eye is a sign he has superpowers. It's just the two of them now, since their beloved wife and mother Angela collapsed and died while working in the fields. Now they've lost their home, too, and have taken shelter in a tent city with other seasonal workers. Through all this, Giuseppe still summons up the strength to hug his son every night and tell him a story. He's promised Antò he will have his mother back, one day, and will do anything to keep his promise.

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Well, The Stonebreaker (2020) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Stonebreaker (2020) itselft directed by Gianluca De Serio, Massimiliano De Serio and Starring by Salvatore Esposito, Giuseppe Loconsole, Samuele Carrino, Antonella Carone, Vito Signorile, Licia Lanera which made The Stonebreaker (2020) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Stonebreaker (2020)

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