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Black Demons 1991 Film complet vodlocker


Movies Detail of Black Demons (1991)

✓ Title : Black Demons
✓ Original Title : Demoni 3
✓ Release Date : January 5th, 1991
✓ Genre : Horror
✓ Runtime : 88 minutes
✓ Directors : Umberto Lenzi, Franco Fantasia, Olga Pehar
✓ Writers : Umberto Lenzi, Olga Pehar
✓ Company : Filmakers S.r.l.
✓ Country : Italy
✓ Cast : Rita Monteiro, Cléa Simões, Philip Murray, Joe Balogh, Juliana Teixeira, Maria Alves, Sonia Curtis, Justo Silva, Felix Lorival, Keith Van Hoven

Synopsis of Black Demons (1991)

Three American college students, Dick, his sister Jessica, and her British boyfriend Kevin, are traveling through Brazil on vacation when Dick, after attending a bizarre voodoo ceremony, develops strange powers. When their jeep breaks down near a small plantation in the jungle outside Rio, the site of a former slave rebellion 150 years ago, Dick uses his powers to raise the dead of six executed Negro slaves whom target the college kids and the residents of the plantation to seek revenge for their deaths

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Well, Black Demons (1991) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Black Demons (1991) itselft directed by Umberto Lenzi, Franco Fantasia, Olga Pehar and Starring by Rita Monteiro, Cléa Simões, Philip Murray, Joe Balogh, Juliana Teixeira, Maria Alves, Sonia Curtis, Justo Silva, Felix Lorival, Keith Van Hoven which made Black Demons (1991) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Black Demons (1991)

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5 Jan 1991 #Italy