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Movies Detail of Twenty Again (2016)

✓ Title : Twenty Again
✓ Original Title : 두 번째 스물
✓ Release Date : November 3rd, 2016
✓ Genres : Drama, Romance
✓ Runtime : 116 minutes
✓ Directors : Park Heung-sik, Park Young-ju
✓ Writers : Ma Jin-won, Park Heung-sik, Park Soo-young
✓ Country : South Korea
✓ Cast : Jeong Joon-won, Lee Tae-ran, Yoon Ga-hyun, Moon Ga-young, Kim Seung-woo

Synopsis of Twenty Again (2016)

A female eye doctor and a male film director run into each other on the airplane to Milan. The two were lovers in the past, and are now in their middle ages. After their chance encounter in Torino, they travel around Tuscany together, appreciating the works of Caravaggio. They begin to notice they are hiding their own wounds from each other. In Korea, he goes to her eye clinic, and they confess love to each other for the first time. In the end, they go their separate ways.

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Well, Twenty Again (2016) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Twenty Again (2016) itselft directed by Park Heung-sik, Park Young-ju and Starring by Jeong Joon-won, Lee Tae-ran, Yoon Ga-hyun, Moon Ga-young, Kim Seung-woo which made Twenty Again (2016) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Twenty Again (2016)

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