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Movies Detail of An Act of Defiance (2017)

✓ Title : An Act of Defiance
✓ Original Title : The Story of Bram Fischer
✓ Release Date : April 13th, 2017
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 124 minutes
✓ Director : Jean van de Velde
✓ Writer : Dominic Morgan
✓ Countries : South Africa, Netherlands
✓ Cast : Clayton Boyd, Antoinette Louw, Izel Bezuidenhout, Sello Motloung, Peter Paul Muller, Hannes Brummer, Sean Venter

Synopsis of An Act of Defiance (2017)

Apartheid is rampant in South Africa, 1963. When ten men are arrested on a farm in Rivonia for conspiring to commit sabotage and violent acts against the repressive S. African government, tenacious lawyer Bram Fisher steps up to the challenge as lead counsel. He soon finds that political leader Nelson Mandela is also on trial. Mandela urges his fellow defendants to plead not guilty and shine light on the systemic corruption against the African people. As the outcome of the trial looks bleak, Mandela gives his famous "I'm Prepared to Die" speech, discussing how the ANC's resistance is justified. But will Mandela's impassioned speech save these men's lives?

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Well, An Act of Defiance (2017) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The An Act of Defiance (2017) itselft directed by Jean van de Velde and Starring by Clayton Boyd, Antoinette Louw, Izel Bezuidenhout, Sello Motloung, Peter Paul Muller, Hannes Brummer, Sean Venter which made An Act of Defiance (2017) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

An Act of Defiance (2017)

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