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Movies Detail of Apparition (2018)

✓ Title : Apparition
✓ Original Title : Aparição
✓ Release Date : March 22nd, 2018
✓ Genres : Romance, Drama
✓ Runtime : 115 minutes
✓ Directors : Fernando Vendrell, Ângela Sequeira
✓ Writers : Vergílio Ferreira, Fátima Ribeiro, João Milagre
✓ Company : David & Golias
✓ Country : Portugal
✓ Cast : Inês Trindade, Rui Morisson, Jaime Freitas, João Cachola, Teresa Madruga, Victoria Guerra, Rita Martins, Ricardo Aibéo, João Lagarto, Dinis Gomes

Synopsis of Apparition (2018)

A writer becomes the main character in the story he intended to write

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Well, Apparition (2018) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Apparition (2018) itselft directed by Fernando Vendrell, Ângela Sequeira and Starring by Inês Trindade, Rui Morisson, Jaime Freitas, João Cachola, Teresa Madruga, Victoria Guerra, Rita Martins, Ricardo Aibéo, João Lagarto, Dinis Gomes which made Apparition (2018) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Apparition (2018)

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22 Mar 2018 #Portugal