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(ver) La.pelis!! ¿Infidelidad? ~ pelicula completa Español

Movies Detail of ¿Infidelidad? (2007)

✓ Title : ¿Infidelidad?
✓ Release Date : May 17th, 2007
✓ Director : Miguel Óscar Menassa
✓ Countries : Argentina, Spain
✓ Cast : Antonia San Juan, Miguel Óscar Menassa, Olga Elena de Lucía, Antonia San Juan, Cruz González, Olga Elena de Lucía, Luis Miguel Seguí

Synopsis of ¿Infidelidad? (2007)

Walter (Miguel Óscar Menassa) is married to Silvia (Cruz Gonzalez), but realizes that the desire his wife feels for other men leads her to sleep with his friend Gustavo (Luis Miguel Seguí). She decides to confess to her husband the whole truth in front of her lover, but infidelity is not always committed in the same way. A writer who cheats her husband and is cheated at the same time and a mature woman with much to live, are other infidels. Through their comic and emotional stories, a whole treatise on infidelity is elaborated.

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Well, ¿Infidelidad? (2007) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The ¿Infidelidad? (2007) itselft directed by Miguel Óscar Menassa and Starring by Antonia San Juan, Miguel Óscar Menassa, Olga Elena de Lucía, Antonia San Juan, Cruz González, Olga Elena de Lucía, Luis Miguel Seguí which made ¿Infidelidad? (2007) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

¿Infidelidad? (2007)

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17 May 2007 #Spain