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Movies Detail of Yesterday (2019)

✓ Title : Yesterday
✓ Release Date : June 27th, 2019
✓ Genres : Music, Comedy, Romance, Fantasy
✓ Runtime : 116 minutes
✓ Director : Danny Boyle
✓ Writers : Richard Curtis, Jack Barth
✓ Company : Working Title Films
✓ Country : United Kingdom
✓ Cast : Sanjeev Bhaskar, Sarah Lancashire, Kate McKinnon, Harry Michell, Sophia Di Martino, Joel Fry, Ed Sheeran, Himesh Patel, Lily James, Meera Syal

Synopsis of Yesterday (2019)

Jack Malik is a struggling singer-songwriter in an English seaside town whose dreams of fame are rapidly fading, despite the fierce devotion and support of his childhood best friend, Ellie. After a freak bus accident during a mysterious global blackout, Jack wakes up to discover that he's the only person on Earth who can remember The Beatles.

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Welcome to our updated Essential Movies To Watch, which features incredible must-watch movies from the 1920s to today! In our annual refresh, we’re sticking with the list’s original vision as a definitive source of movie guidance and education for all ages and stages, whether you’re a seasoned film buff or just starting out, while reflecting new trends and significant movies uncovered over the past year. We’re also just making sure we give you some really good movies to watch.

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Well, Yesterday (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Yesterday (2019) itselft directed by Danny Boyle and Starring by Sanjeev Bhaskar, Sarah Lancashire, Kate McKinnon, Harry Michell, Sophia Di Martino, Joel Fry, Ed Sheeran, Himesh Patel, Lily James, Meera Syal which made Yesterday (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Yesterday (2019)

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27 Jun 2019 #United Kingdom