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Abou Leila 2020 Film complet tamil Télécharger


Movies Detail of Abou Leila (2020)

✓ Title : Abou Leila
✓ Original Title : أبو ليلى
✓ Release Date : April 15th, 2020
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 135 minutes
✓ Director : Amin Sidi-Boumédiène
✓ Writer : Amin Sidi-Boumédiène
✓ Companies : In Vivo Films, Thala Films
✓ Countries : Algeria, France, Qatar
✓ Cast : Azouz Abdelkader, Hocine Mokhtar, Slimane Benouari, Fouad Megiraga, Lyes Salem, Meryem Medjkane

Synopsis of Abou Leila (2020)

Algeria, 1994. S. and Lotfi, two friends from childhood, travel through the desert looking for Abou Leila, a dangerous terrorist on the run. Their quest seems absurd, given that the Sahara has not been affected by the wave of attacks. Lofti has only one priority : to keep S. as far from the capital as possible, knowing his friend is too fragile to face more bloodshed. But the closest they get into the desert, the more they will be confronted with their own violence.

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Well, Abou Leila (2020) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Abou Leila (2020) itselft directed by Amin Sidi-Boumédiène and Starring by Azouz Abdelkader, Hocine Mokhtar, Slimane Benouari, Fouad Megiraga, Lyes Salem, Meryem Medjkane which made Abou Leila (2020) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Abou Leila (2020)

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