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Sardaarji 2 2016 Film français Film complet


Movies Detail of Sardaarji 2 (2016)

✓ Title : Sardaarji 2
✓ Original Title : The Return Of Sardaar ji
✓ Release Date : June 24th, 2016
✓ Genres : Adventure, Comedy
✓ Runtime : 145 minutes
✓ Director : Rohit Jugraj
✓ Writer : Dheeraj Rattan
✓ Company : White Hill Production
✓ Country : India
✓ Cast : Diljit Dosanjh, Monica Gill, Jaswinder Bhalla, Sonam Bajwa

Synopsis of Sardaarji 2 (2016)

The Return Of Sardaarji is a 2016 Punjabi film directed by Rohit Jugraj and starring Diljit Dosanjh and Sonam Bajwa in lead roles,The film will be released on 24 June 2016.

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Well, Sardaarji 2 (2016) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Sardaarji 2 (2016) itselft directed by Rohit Jugraj and Starring by Diljit Dosanjh, Monica Gill, Jaswinder Bhalla, Sonam Bajwa which made Sardaarji 2 (2016) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Sardaarji 2 (2016)

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