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Streaming The Crab 2011 Film complet 720p

Movies Detail of The Crab (2011)

✓ Title : The Crab
✓ Release Date : January 27th, 2011
✓ Runtime : 103 minutes
✓ Director : Rona Mark
✓ Cast : Darrin Banks, Zina Wilde, Dylan Nichole Bandy, Donella Alanwick

Synopsis of The Crab (2011)

Levi is a washed-up academic who uses his genetic disorder - ectrodactyly, or lobster claw syndrome - as an excuse for across-the-board bitterness and rage. Hope surfaces when he meets sophisticated professor Jane; but Levi's love, like his rage, can err on the side of intensity...

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Well, The Crab (2011) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Crab (2011) itselft directed by Rona Mark and Starring by Darrin Banks, Zina Wilde, Dylan Nichole Bandy, Donella Alanwick which made The Crab (2011) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Crab (2011)

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27 Jan 2011 #