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(A Bag of Marbles) Pelicula Completa (2017) ~ Subtitulado en Chile, España y América Latino‴


Movies Detail of A Bag of Marbles (2017)

✓ Title : A Bag of Marbles
✓ Original Title : Un sac de billes
✓ Release Date : January 18th, 2017
✓ Genres : Drama, War
✓ Runtime : 110 minutes
✓ Director : Christian Duguay
✓ Writers : Christian Duguay, Christian Duguay, Christian Duguay, Laurent Zeitoun, Benoît Guichard, Benoît Guichard, Benoît Guichard, Joseph Joffo, Jonathan Allouche, Alexandra Geismar
✓ Companies : TF1 Films Production, Forecast Pictures, Main Journey, Gaumont, Quad Productions, IDL Films, Compagnie Cinématographique, La, Panache Productions, Proximus, Okko Production
✓ Countries : Czech Republic, France, Canada
✓ Cast : Dorian Le Clech, César Domboy, Émile Berling, Christian Clavier, Ilian Bergala, Bernard Campan, Kev Adams, Elsa Zylberstein, Patrick Bruel, Batyste Fleurial

Synopsis of A Bag of Marbles (2017)

In occupied France, Maurice and Joseph, two young Jewish brothers left to their own devices demonstrate an incredible amount of cleverness, courage, and ingenuity to escape the enemy invasion and to try to reunite their family once again.

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Well, A Bag of Marbles (2017) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The A Bag of Marbles (2017) itselft directed by Christian Duguay and Starring by Dorian Le Clech, César Domboy, Émile Berling, Christian Clavier, Ilian Bergala, Bernard Campan, Kev Adams, Elsa Zylberstein, Patrick Bruel, Batyste Fleurial which made A Bag of Marbles (2017) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

A Bag of Marbles (2017)

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