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Ver HD [Paddington 2014] Pelicula Completa Online En Espanol


Movies Detail of Paddington (2014)

✓ Title : Paddington
✓ Release Date : November 24th, 2014
✓ Genres : Comedy, Adventure, Family
✓ Runtime : 96 minutes
✓ Directors : Paul King, Laura Miles
✓ Writers : Hamish McColl, Paul King, Paul King, Michael Bond, Michael Bond
✓ Companies : Heyday Films, StudioCanal, Anton Capital Entertainment (ACE), TF1 Films Production, Canal+, Ciné+, TF1, Amazon Prime Video, The Weinstein Company
✓ Countries : France, United Kingdom, United States of America
✓ Cast : Ben Whishaw, Madeleine Harris, Julie Walters, Hugh Bonneville, Samuel Joslin, Peter Capaldi, Sally Hawkins, Jim Broadbent, Nicole Kidman, Imelda Staunton

Synopsis of Paddington (2014)

A young Peruvian bear travels to London in search of a new home. Finding himself lost and alone at Paddington Station, he meets the kindly Brown family.

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Well, Paddington (2014) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Paddington (2014) itselft directed by Paul King, Laura Miles and Starring by Ben Whishaw, Madeleine Harris, Julie Walters, Hugh Bonneville, Samuel Joslin, Peter Capaldi, Sally Hawkins, Jim Broadbent, Nicole Kidman, Imelda Staunton which made Paddington (2014) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Paddington (2014)

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24 Nov 2014 #United States of America