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The National Third Wheel 2018 Film complet putlockers


Movies Detail of The National Third Wheel (2018)

✓ Title : The National Third Wheel
✓ Original Title : Ang Pambansang Third Wheel
✓ Release Date : March 10th, 2018
✓ Genres : Comedy, Romance
✓ Runtime : 97 minutes
✓ Director : Ivan Andrew Payawal
✓ Country : Philippines
✓ Cast : Cholo Barretto, Sam Pinto, Al Tantay, Alonzo Muhlach, Francine Prieto, Jourdanne Castillo, Sam Milby, Kim Molina, Yassi Pressman, Candy Pangilinan

Synopsis of The National Third Wheel (2018)

Trina who has lived her whole life as a third wheel meets the man who passes her standards and believes that this man will finally make her a third wheel no more. As they get to know each other, she finds out she's actually dating a single dad with an 8-year-old boy and he actually has a good relationship with the mother.

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Well, The National Third Wheel (2018) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The National Third Wheel (2018) itselft directed by Ivan Andrew Payawal and Starring by Cholo Barretto, Sam Pinto, Al Tantay, Alonzo Muhlach, Francine Prieto, Jourdanne Castillo, Sam Milby, Kim Molina, Yassi Pressman, Candy Pangilinan which made The National Third Wheel (2018) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The National Third Wheel (2018)

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