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[[REGARDER]] Robinson Crusoe: The Wild Life (2016) Film Complet Streaming VF En Francais


Movies Detail of Robinson Crusoe: The Wild Life (2016)

✓ Title : Robinson Crusoe: The Wild Life
✓ Release Date : February 4th, 2016
✓ Genres : Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Directors : Ben Stassen, Vincent Kesteloot
✓ Companies : uFilm, StudioCanal, nWave Pictures, Illuminata Pictures
✓ Countries : Belgium, France
✓ Cast : Melanie Hinze, Tommy Morgenstern, Kaya Yanar, Tobias Lelle, Dieter Hallervorden, Ron Allen, Aylin Tezel, Bert Franzke, Ilka Bessin, Matthias Schweighöfer

Synopsis of Robinson Crusoe: The Wild Life (2016)

On a tiny exotic island, Tuesday, an outgoing parrot lives with his quirky animal friends in paradise. However, Tuesday can't stop dreaming about discovering the world. After a violent storm, Tuesday and his friends wake up to find a strange creature on the beach: Robinson Crusoe. Tuesday immediately views Crusoe as his ticket off the island to explore new lands. Likewise, Crusoe soon realizes that the key to surviving on the island is through the help of Tuesday and the other animals. It isn't always easy at first, as the animals don't speak "human." Slowly but surely, they all start living together in harmony, until one day, when their comfortable life is overturned by two savage cats, who wish to take control of the island. A battle ensues between the cats and the group of friends but Crusoe and the animals soon discover the true power of friendship up against all odds (even savage cats).

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Well, Robinson Crusoe: The Wild Life (2016) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Robinson Crusoe: The Wild Life (2016) itselft directed by Ben Stassen, Vincent Kesteloot and Starring by Melanie Hinze, Tommy Morgenstern, Kaya Yanar, Tobias Lelle, Dieter Hallervorden, Ron Allen, Aylin Tezel, Bert Franzke, Ilka Bessin, Matthias Schweighöfer which made Robinson Crusoe: The Wild Life (2016) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Robinson Crusoe: The Wild Life (2016)

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4 Feb 2016 #France