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Streaming At an Uncertain Time 2015 Film complet subtitle


Movies Detail of At an Uncertain Time (2015)

✓ Title : At an Uncertain Time
✓ Original Title : A Uma Hora Incerta
✓ Release Date : October 15th, 2015
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 72 minutes
✓ Director : Carlos Saboga
✓ Writer : Carlos Saboga
✓ Company : Leopardo Filmes
✓ Country : Portugal
✓ Cast : Ana Padrão, Filipe Crawford, Joana Ribeiro, Joana de Verona, Paulo Pires, Filipa Areosa, Pedro Lima, Grégoire Leprince-Ringuet

Synopsis of At an Uncertain Time (2015)

It’s 1942, and Portugal languishes under dictatorship and WWII rages just beyond its borders. Secrets, half-truths, and mistrust prevail in the state security office of chief inspector Varga, who makes professional privilege a cover for his unprofessional interest in a boldly carnal refugee and her alleged brother. Director/writer Saboga (screenwriter for Raúl Ruiz’s MYSTERIES OF LISBON) saturates the dark world of this predatory tale with steamy eroticism and paranoia, starting with the incestuous desires of his bi-curious adolescent daughter and including the family maid.

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Well, At an Uncertain Time (2015) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The At an Uncertain Time (2015) itselft directed by Carlos Saboga and Starring by Ana Padrão, Filipe Crawford, Joana Ribeiro, Joana de Verona, Paulo Pires, Filipa Areosa, Pedro Lima, Grégoire Leprince-Ringuet which made At an Uncertain Time (2015) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

At an Uncertain Time (2015)

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15 Oct 2015 #Portugal