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Movies Detail of Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011)

✓ Title : Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol
✓ Release Date : December 7th, 2011
✓ Genres : Action, Thriller, Adventure
✓ Runtime : 133 minutes
✓ Directors : Dan Bradley, Geoffrey Hansen, Brad Bird, Jeffrey Lynch, Prince Shah, Kimi Webber, Geoff Dibben, Jakub Dvorak, Jakub Dvorak, Chris Castaldi, Lucie Burianová, Misha Bukowski, Tommy Gormley, Jason Roberts, Mihir Lath, Mark Bunting, Ana Oparnica Sebal, Manjari Makijany, Brian Sepanzyk, Emma Day, Michael Salven, Ian Robinson, Brandon Lambdin, Eddy Santos, Evan Godfrey, Chad Belair, Gordon Piper, Rhonda Taylor, Martina Götthansova, Raj Acharya, David Strangmüller, Udayan Baijal, Samarth Sahni, Baris Cangokce, Gauri Chadha, Mimi Crowe, Carl De Villiers, Kubhaer T. Jethwani, Jiří Kolárský, Kevin O'Neil, Shelraj Patel, Aditya Tendulkar, Sunny Tiku, Kasia Trojak, David Heffler
✓ Writers : Bruce Geller, Josh Appelbaum, André Nemec
✓ Companies : Paramount, Bad Robot, TC Productions, Revolution Sun Studios, Kontsept Film Company, Skydance Media
✓ Countries : Czech Republic, United States of America, United Arab Emirates
✓ Cast : Jeremy Renner, Michael Nyqvist, Samuli Edelmann, Léa Seydoux, Vladimir Mashkov, Simon Pegg, Paula Patton, Anil Kapoor, Tom Cruise, Ivan Shvedoff

Synopsis of Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011)

Ethan Hunt and his team are racing against time to track down a dangerous terrorist named Hendricks, who has gained access to Russian nuclear launch codes and is planning a strike on the United States. An attempt to stop him ends in an explosion causing severe destruction to the Kremlin and the IMF to be implicated in the bombing, forcing the President to disavow them. No longer being aided by the government, Ethan and his team chase Hendricks around the globe, although they might still be too late to stop a disaster.

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Well, Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011) itselft directed by Dan Bradley, Geoffrey Hansen, Brad Bird, Jeffrey Lynch, Prince Shah, Kimi Webber, Geoff Dibben, Jakub Dvorak, Jakub Dvorak, Chris Castaldi, Lucie Burianová, Misha Bukowski, Tommy Gormley, Jason Roberts, Mihir Lath, Mark Bunting, Ana Oparnica Sebal, Manjari Makijany, Brian Sepanzyk, Emma Day, Michael Salven, Ian Robinson, Brandon Lambdin, Eddy Santos, Evan Godfrey, Chad Belair, Gordon Piper, Rhonda Taylor, Martina Götthansova, Raj Acharya, David Strangmüller, Udayan Baijal, Samarth Sahni, Baris Cangokce, Gauri Chadha, Mimi Crowe, Carl De Villiers, Kubhaer T. Jethwani, Jiří Kolárský, Kevin O'Neil, Shelraj Patel, Aditya Tendulkar, Sunny Tiku, Kasia Trojak, David Heffler and Starring by Jeremy Renner, Michael Nyqvist, Samuli Edelmann, Léa Seydoux, Vladimir Mashkov, Simon Pegg, Paula Patton, Anil Kapoor, Tom Cruise, Ivan Shvedoff which made Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011)

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7 Dec 2011 #United Arab Emirates