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Voir 2/11 Het spel van de wolf 2014 Film français film


Movies Detail of 2/11 Het spel van de wolf (2014)

✓ Title : 2/11 Het spel van de wolf
✓ Release Date : October 2nd, 2014
✓ Genres : Drama, Crime, History
✓ Director : Thomas Korthals Altes
✓ Writers : Theodor Holman, Gijs van de Westelaken
✓ Companies : Column Film, VPRO, Mollywood, Nederlands Fonds voor de Film
✓ Country : Netherlands
✓ Cast : Pierre Bokma, Joris Smit, Ali Cifteci, Gerson Oratmangoen, Susan Visser, Tijn Docter, Mike Reus, William Hope, Lotje van Lunteren, Johan Leysen

Synopsis of 2/11 Het spel van de wolf (2014)

2 November 2004, shortly before nine in the morning. In The Hague, the report comes in that in Amsterdam Theo van Gogh has been murdered. All warning bells start ringing. With the country in flames, sometimes literally, politicians and officials in The Hague have to neutralise all sorts of known and unknown stings, and just when Van Gogh’s cremation seems to herald a period of relative peace, a second explosion follows: the attack on the Hofstad Network in the Laakkwartier in The Hague. A reconstruction of nine days of political high tension and flying dust, a decade after the assassination of the trendsetting filmmaker and TV presenter.

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Well, 2/11 Het spel van de wolf (2014) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The 2/11 Het spel van de wolf (2014) itselft directed by Thomas Korthals Altes and Starring by Pierre Bokma, Joris Smit, Ali Cifteci, Gerson Oratmangoen, Susan Visser, Tijn Docter, Mike Reus, William Hope, Lotje van Lunteren, Johan Leysen which made 2/11 Het spel van de wolf (2014) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

2/11 Het spel van de wolf (2014)

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2 Oct 2014 #Netherlands