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Mountain 2015 FULL Film complet Streaming En ligne


Movies Detail of Mountain (2015)

✓ Title : Mountain
✓ Original Title : Montanha
✓ Release Date : December 31st, 2015
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 91 minutes
✓ Director : João Salaviza
✓ Writer : João Salaviza
✓ Companies : Filmes do Tejo II, Les Films de l'Après-Midi
✓ Countries : France, Portugal
✓ Cast : Maria João Pinho, Ana Cris, David Mourato, Mia Tomé, Carloto Cotta, Cheyenne Domingues, Rodrigo Perdigão

Synopsis of Mountain (2015)

Day breaks on the eighth floor in a suburban neighbourhood of Lisbon and 14-year-old Bruno’s grandfather is still in hospital. Doctors give him only a few days to live. The imminence of death and the void that it will leave force Bruno to become the man of the house, where he lives with his mother Mónica, who is in her 30s, and his three-year-old sister Érica.

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Well, Mountain (2015) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Mountain (2015) itselft directed by João Salaviza and Starring by Maria João Pinho, Ana Cris, David Mourato, Mia Tomé, Carloto Cotta, Cheyenne Domingues, Rodrigo Perdigão which made Mountain (2015) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Mountain (2015)

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