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Asmaa 2011 Film complet tamil


Movies Detail of Asmaa (2011)

✓ Title : Asmaa
✓ Original Title : أسماء
✓ Release Date : December 7th, 2011
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 96 minutes
✓ Director : Amr Salama
✓ Writer : Amr Salama
✓ Companies : New Century Production, Film Clinic
✓ Country : Egypt
✓ Cast : Hani Adel, Maged El Kedwany, Mahmoud Azzazy, Hend Sabry, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Bayoumi Fouad

Synopsis of Asmaa (2011)

Embodies the Hind Sabri in the events of the movie character girl suffering from HIV AIDS and decide not to surrender his Vtjud violent war against him, whether to seek treatment for themselves or bring hope in the hearts of all who have the disease dreaded, and gradually be able to achieve many of its goals and, following the events.

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Well, Asmaa (2011) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Asmaa (2011) itselft directed by Amr Salama and Starring by Hani Adel, Maged El Kedwany, Mahmoud Azzazy, Hend Sabry, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Bayoumi Fouad which made Asmaa (2011) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Asmaa (2011)

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