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VER- [CL]-8:30 `2017` Pelicula Completa En Chilena [~1080p~]


Movies Detail of 8:30 (2017)

✓ Title : 8:30
✓ Release Date : June 18th, 2017
✓ Genre : Mystery
✓ Runtime : 70 minutes
✓ Director : Laura Nasmyth
✓ Country : Austria
✓ Cast : Florian Nolden, Angelica Castello, Patrick Topitschnig, Stefan Ried, Julia Stipsits, Denis Karalic, Doris Hess, Susanne Toth

Synopsis of 8:30 (2017)

8:30 follows an unsuspecting door-to-door salesman, who finds himself stranded in a desert-like suburb as his train returns to the same train station over and over again in what seems to be an infinite loop.

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Well, 8:30 (2017) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The 8:30 (2017) itselft directed by Laura Nasmyth and Starring by Florian Nolden, Angelica Castello, Patrick Topitschnig, Stefan Ried, Julia Stipsits, Denis Karalic, Doris Hess, Susanne Toth which made 8:30 (2017) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

8:30 (2017)

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18 Jun 2017 #Austria