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Movies Detail of Stand Off (2012)

✓ Title : Stand Off
✓ Release Date : August 13th, 2012
✓ Genres : Drama, Crime
✓ Runtime : 70 minutes
✓ Director : Chris R. Notarile
✓ Writer : Chris R. Notarile
✓ Company : Blinky Productions
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Roberto Lombardi, Kasey Williams, Teresa Lee Chaisiri, Hector De La Rosa, Kim Santiago, Vince Puma, Ella Jane New, Tony Dadika, Kerri Miller, Mandy Evans

Synopsis of Stand Off (2012)

A group of elite female bank robbers are thrown into a Mexican stand off when they discover that someone on their team might be a snitch for the cops...

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Well, Stand Off (2012) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Stand Off (2012) itselft directed by Chris R. Notarile and Starring by Roberto Lombardi, Kasey Williams, Teresa Lee Chaisiri, Hector De La Rosa, Kim Santiago, Vince Puma, Ella Jane New, Tony Dadika, Kerri Miller, Mandy Evans which made Stand Off (2012) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Stand Off (2012)

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13 Aug 2012 #United States of America