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Streaming The Biker Warrior Babe vs. The Zombie Babies From Hell 2014 BRRip x264 XviD AC3-EVO


Movies Detail of The Biker Warrior Babe vs. The Zombie Babies From Hell (2014)

✓ Title : The Biker Warrior Babe vs. The Zombie Babies From Hell
✓ Release Date : December 2nd, 2014
✓ Genre : Horror
✓ Director : Jeremiah Morehouse
✓ Writer : Jeremiah Morehouse
✓ Cast : Caitlin Bentley, Nathan Bingman, Candi Achibald, Kaza Marie Ayersman

Synopsis of The Biker Warrior Babe vs. The Zombie Babies From Hell (2014)

Things are about to get crazy in the small town of Cranberry Lake after a local witch and her servant botch a demon summoning accidentally unleashing a horde of demonic zombie babies. Luckily a teenage biker chick named Zipp, while on a blind date with the town nerd, discovers the true cause of recent attacks around town. Zipp suddenly finds herself in a race against time to reverse the summoning before the demonic zombie babies kill everyone in Cranberry Lake.

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Well, The Biker Warrior Babe vs. The Zombie Babies From Hell (2014) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Biker Warrior Babe vs. The Zombie Babies From Hell (2014) itselft directed by Jeremiah Morehouse and Starring by Caitlin Bentley, Nathan Bingman, Candi Achibald, Kaza Marie Ayersman which made The Biker Warrior Babe vs. The Zombie Babies From Hell (2014) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Biker Warrior Babe vs. The Zombie Babies From Hell (2014)

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2 Dec 2014 #