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REgaRdeR PlayBoy (and the Gang of Cherry) StreaminG VF VOSTFR film CompleT 2017

Movies Detail of PlayBoy (and the Gang of Cherry) (2017)

✓ Title : PlayBoy (and the Gang of Cherry)
✓ Release Date : August 31st, 2017
✓ Runtime : 115 minutes
✓ Director : Oompon Kitikamara
✓ Writer : Oompon Kitikamara
✓ Cast : Jirayu Niyom, Steven Foorer, Karit Chutimakornkul, Sainam Kitikamara, Atthaphan Poonsawas, Setthawin Satjapornthep, Aphiwat Suphakornchawaroj

Synopsis of PlayBoy (and the Gang of Cherry) (2017)

The gay mafia “Gang of Cherry“ is residing at a construction site somewhere in Thailand. One of its most notorious members is Mac aka “PlayBoy“, a gay male prostitute with an addiction for sm sex. Bipolar Cherry is the gang’s leader. The situation escalates when a shipment of drugs disappears.

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Well, PlayBoy (and the Gang of Cherry) (2017) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The PlayBoy (and the Gang of Cherry) (2017) itselft directed by Oompon Kitikamara and Starring by Jirayu Niyom, Steven Foorer, Karit Chutimakornkul, Sainam Kitikamara, Atthaphan Poonsawas, Setthawin Satjapornthep, Aphiwat Suphakornchawaroj which made PlayBoy (and the Gang of Cherry) (2017) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

PlayBoy (and the Gang of Cherry) (2017)

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31 Aug 2017 #