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Movies Detail of Al sur del edén (1982)

✓ Title : Al sur del edén
✓ Release Date : February 10th, 1982
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Director : Ismael González
✓ Writer : Ismael González
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : José Gras, Antonio Pérez Bayod, Berta Cabré, Juan Pinzás, Sara Mora, José Febles, Alfonso Zambrano, José Barreto, Julia Caballero, Andrea Albani

Synopsis of Al sur del edén (1982)

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Well, Al sur del edén (1982) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Al sur del edén (1982) itselft directed by Ismael González and Starring by José Gras, Antonio Pérez Bayod, Berta Cabré, Juan Pinzás, Sara Mora, José Febles, Alfonso Zambrano, José Barreto, Julia Caballero, Andrea Albani which made Al sur del edén (1982) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Al sur del edén (1982)

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10 Feb 1982 #Spain