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Movies Detail of Wildcats (2017)

✓ Title : Wildcats
✓ Original Title : Fauves
✓ Release Date : September 27th, 2017
✓ Genres : Drama, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 93 minutes
✓ Director : Robin Erard
✓ Writers : Robin Erard, Joanne Giger
✓ Companies : Novak Prod, Box Productions
✓ Countries : France, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg
✓ Cast : Zacharie Chasseriaud, Hervé Sogne, Cédric Djédjé, Bérénice Baôo, Isaline Prévost, Michel Voïta, Jonathan Zaccaï, Sabine Timoteo

Synopsis of Wildcats (2017)

Orphan, Oskar lives with Elvis and Fanny Egger, his guardians. Oskar is waiting for one thing, the majority, to finally be able to go to Zimbabwe and start a new life. While Oskar strives to raise money to get there, Elvis takes Oskar's success and makes it cost him to graduate. The balance of power is becoming more and more tense, swinging into a violence that will push Oskar to definitively abandon childhood, and Elvis, to fall the mask of his ambition and his madness.

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Well, Wildcats (2017) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Wildcats (2017) itselft directed by Robin Erard and Starring by Zacharie Chasseriaud, Hervé Sogne, Cédric Djédjé, Bérénice Baôo, Isaline Prévost, Michel Voïta, Jonathan Zaccaï, Sabine Timoteo which made Wildcats (2017) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Wildcats (2017)

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